We remember the pack-house scene as a very natural and beneficial part of Robeson County life in years gone by.  Few farms existed without the little building to the rear of the homestead magnified with the sweet aroma of cured tobacco.  Sometimes the fun and laughter of work associated with the activities around the pack-house were replaced by the singing of hymns, praying and preaching as the focal point became a place not for work, but for worship.


In 1947, a group of individuals gathered in the pack-house on the Baucum Farm located just off the Moss Neck Road to worship and praise the Lord.  Prior to this the group had held services in their homes for approximately three months.  Now, needing a larger facility, they approached the Rev. H. W. Baucum who agreed for them to hold their services in his pack-house.


During this time the congregation had two acting ministers, Rev. Rufus Burns and Rev. Purcell Locklear.  These two gentlemen solicited the help of Rev. Roy. W. Maynor.  The Rev. Roy W. Maynor in establishing their church, now known as Tabernacle Baptist Church.  Rev. Maynor would become Tabernacle’s first ordained minister.


During Maynor’s ministry the church members decided to move the church services to a new location.  They believed that more people would attend the church if it were located near what is Highway 711 today.  Another reason for moving was that the pack-house they were using was needed in the summer months for tobacco storage.  They purchased a tent and set it up next to Mr. Julian Pope and Mrs. Ada Oxendine’s store.  Due to cold weather the congregation would return to the Baucum pack-house during the winter months.


The church members desired a permanent church facility and began a campaign to locate an adequate site.  Mr. Lester Bullard granted permission to construct a church facility on a section of his property adjacent to Hwy. 711.  Quickly, construction began on the new church.  A tent was erected near the construction site for services.  By 1954 (the year Rev. Maynor terminated his pastorship) the foundation was complete and most of the blocks layed.


In 1954 the Rev. John L. Locklear was called as Tabernacle’s second ordained minister.  Under his leadership the church was able to raise money to complete the roof of the church.  At that time, Reedy Branch Baptist Church of Fairmont N.C. was tearing down it’s old church to construct a new one.  Members of Tabernacle helped in the demolition of the old church in order to obtain the salvaged lumber.  They paid approximately $300 for the lumber.  Tabernacle member, men and women, did most of the construction themselves. The story is lovingly told how the women pulled the nails out of the lumber.  A member, Mr. Ed. Locklear, designed the stars and open Bible that grace the front of the church.


It is also told that even though there was no floor in the building, members found their way to a place they claimed as their altar.  Here many prayers were made seeking and claiming victory in the completion and prosperity of Tabernacle Baptist Church.  Prayers were answered.  On June 19, 1955 Tabernacle held it’s first service in the facility.  The beloved Rev. Z.R. Chavis delivered the first message.  Although construction was still incomplete, this date was a proud and victorious time for this devoted group.  In 1955 Tabernacle joined the Burnt Swamp Baptist Association.


In 1962 Rev. John L. Locklear left the church and Rev. Jake Mitchell became the third ordained minister.  After serving as minister for one year Rev. Mitchell resigned.

In 1964 Rev. King Maynor became pastor.  Under his direction the floor was completed and members purchased stained glass windows in memory of deceased and living members.  Also during this time church and family members purchased pews for the church.  Rev. King Maynor left the church in 1966.


In 1967, Rev. Nash Locklear became Tabernacle’s fifth pastor.  Rev. Locklear served the church until his death on January 24, 1985.  Under the leadership of Rev. Nash Locklear Tabernacle built a fellowship hall and the current pastor, Rev. Henry W. Oxendine, gave his life to the Lord.  “Preacher Henry” served as the youth director as well as the superintendent.  During this time he also received the “Lord’s call to preach.”  In June of 1980 Rev. Henry Oxendine delivered his trial sermon.  After Rev. Locklear’s death, Rev. Henry Oxendine was ordained as pastor of Tabernacle Baptist Church.  Under his leadership the church has done some remodeling, purchased additional land and celebrated 50 years of church life.


Deacons who have served Tabernacle Baptist Church include:

 Julian Pope Oxendine, Datra Hammonds, Talmus Woodell, Taff Lowery, Theodore Locklear, and Lacy Locklear.  Presently serving as deacons are Chairman James Chavis, Claudie Locklear, Pete Clark, Lacy J. “Bill” Hunt, and Rodney Hardin.  The following Sunday School superintendents have served:  Edward Locklear, James Chavis, Tommy W. Hagans, Melvin Locklear, Henry W. Oxendine, and Rodney Hardin.


Mr. Ed Locklear served as conference secretary while in the pack-house.  When the congregation moved into the church facility the position was given to Mr. Grover Oxendine who still holds that position today.  The same holds true for the treasurer position:  Mr. Ed Locklear and Mr. Make Locklear served as church treasurers until the church moved into the church facility.  At this time Mr. Grover Oxendine became treasurer and continues to hold that position.


When the congregation moved into the church facility Mr. James Chavis served jointed as the secretary and superintendent.  Shortly after moving into the church facility the secretary position was given to Mrs. W. Hammonds who still holds this position. 


The following ministers have been licensed and sent out by the church: Rev. Tommy Hagans, Rev. Kelly Sanderson, Rev. James Lee Oxendine and Rev. Henry W. Oxendine

Tabernacle Baptist Church

3764 NC Hwy 711

Pembroke, NC 28372

Rev. Henry W. Oxendine

Sunday School 9:45am / Worship 11:00am

Phone: 910-738-6997