The Burnt Swamp Baptist Association is a family of churches affiliated with the North Carolina Baptist State Convention. Member churches are primarily Native American but growing in their diversity. Bro. Mike Cummingsis the Associational Missionary.
Churches in Fellowship
Churches on Mission Together
Churches in fellowship and on mission together in their own setting and to the ends of the earth.
As much as we are able, we wholeheartedly embrace the Lordship of our Savior Jesus Christ as the superior and sufficient One for our every need. This Winter has brought us opportunity to focus on the personality and glory of our Lord Jesus. Our churches have devoted several hours in group study of the New Testament book of Colossians. Many of the churches follow LifeWay's (our denomination's publishing agency) suggestion for a Bible book study in January each year. Colossians has been and continues to be well worth the time involved gathering around that little epistle and celebrating the glory and splendor of our Lord Jesus. He is the Head of the church and preeminent over entire creation itself. No wonder He is all we need.