211 South Broadway

Baltimore, Maryland


South Broadway Baptist Church has its beginnings as
West Cross Street Baptist Church chartered on March 13, 1968.  Charter members were Brs. Roosevelt Locklear,
Roscoe Locklear, Elree “Peace” Locklear, Junior Chavis and Rev. James Miller
Dial.  Also taking a crucial part in the
founding church were Sisters Frances Locklear, Bessie Chavis, and Wilma Dale
“Bill” Dial.  Early meetings began in the
home of Claudie Hunt in the 1700 Block of East Baltimore Street, March, 1952.
And spread into other homes.  The first
established meeting place was a “store-front” located at 1918 East Fairmont
Ave. for a weekly rental of $10.00.


The founding pastor of West Cross was Rev. James
Miller Dial and wife, Wilma Dale, recent 
converts who joined the small group of believers in 11/64 at the East
Fairmount Ave. location.  Late in 1967
the growing church moved to a large facility (another store-front) at 110 South
Broadway.  One year later it purchased
its first church facility at 1117 West Cross Street.  The church quickly grew into a viable part of
the Native American Community. 


In 1971 the first church bus was purchased.  The church joined the Burnt Swamp Baptist
Union at Mt. Airy on 10/15/80 and the Association during its Annual Meeting at
Reedy branch on 7/31/81.


Pastors of the church from beginning to the present
have included Reverends James Miller Dial (1967-1/20/830); Charles Pate
Locklear (9184-1985); Steve Brewer (8/86-10/88); Jimmy Lynn Hunt (10/88-10/94);
Chester Chavis (6/95-10/97) and Jerry L. Thompson (4/98-present).


Over the years the following have served as servants
of the church: Roscoe Loklear, Roosevelt Locklear, Elree Locklear, Clinton
Lewis, Mitchell Oxendine and Herbert H. Locklear.  The first formal ordination of Deacons was
held at the church on March 27, 1983. 
Ordained were Thomas “Tom” Locklear, Lindsey Locklear and Junior Chavis.  On 12/11/88 Bros. Roscoe Tyler, Johnny Lee
and Willie Hunt were ordained.


Directing the Sunday School have been Bros. Herbert
H. Locklear, (1969-1975); Roscoe Locklear (1975-1980); Lindsey Locklear
(1981-1984); Anderson Maynor (1984-1993); Willie Hunt (1993-1996); Osmer Lee
Locklear (1997-1998) and Eartle “Junior” Barnes (1998-present).


Sisters Wilma Dale Dial, Minnie Maynor, Gale
Freeman; Hazel Hunt and Janice Maynor have filled the duties of church-clerk
over the years since inception.


The congregation purchased its current edifice for
$90,000, paid out over a five-year period, June 10, 1984.  Located at 211 South Broadway with a seating
capacity of 700, the current church is closer and more relevant to the
community served.  With a grant from the
city government in the amount of $85,000, the church remolded and upgraded its
fellowship hall in 1980.  Since that time
two vans have been purchased and are in service to the church and
community.  Additions also include
central air in the sanctuary, new bathrooms, and a baptismal pool.  A food and clothing pantry is operated in the
church basement.  A pastoral home was
purchased in October of 1988.


Church membership aspires to serve the holistic
needs of the community and is striving to reach the unchurcheed and be
responsive and sensitive to the area it serves.

South Broadway Baptist Church

211 South Broadway

Baltimore, MD 21231

Rev. Robert (B.J.) Hunt

Sunday School 9:45am / Worship 11:00am

Phone: 410-732-8460